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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple today announced that its App Analytics platform in iTunes Connect now provides developers with insight into where customers discover apps, a welcome change that will give developers more information on where app referrals are coming from.

Developers will be able to see if customers are finding apps from App Store browsing and search, from within other apps, or from web referrals.
App Analytics in iTunes Connect now provides insight on where customers discover your app, including App Store browsing and search, within other apps, or on the web. With key metrics based on source types, you can see your top referring apps and websites, making it easier to optimize your marketing campaigns.
Apple first debuted its app analytics platform in May of 2015, giving developers a detailed look at app usage statistics to enable them to create more effective advertising campaigns.

Article Link: Apple's App Analytics Platform Now Includes Info on Where Customers Discover Apps


macrumors regular
Jul 20, 2015
300 years late.. but yay! Give it a fancy coat and we will all think Apple invented analytics in 2017.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 3, 2012
300 years late.. but yay! Give it a fancy coat and we will all think Apple invented analytics in 2017.
Wait is this like the time they claimed they invented something but didn't... or is it like the other time people claim Apple said something they never did?
Creepy. Why is Apple tracking this info?
It's easy, most likely. Doesn't seem intrusive either. Knowing Apple they prolly used some non identifying method. You should be more afraid of Goog and their apps if you actually think this is creepy. They'd be making money of your soul if they could.


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2010
Shame they didn't release this a few weeks ago so we could watch all the referrers going out of business in real time.

As for the creeped-out privacy folks, you know if you click on an http link the destination server is usually given the address of the page you came from? It's been that way for about 20 years.
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Jul 24, 2015
Creepy. Why is Apple tracking this info?

Creepy what is creepy?

That the developer know if you got to the App you bought through an AppStore search or from an website link?

So creepy!
Shame they didn't release this a few weeks ago so we could watch all the referrers going out of business in real time.

As for the creeped-out privacy folks, you know if you click on an http link the destination server is usually given the address of the page you came from? It's been that way for about 20 years.

It doesn't across sites now.
Good to know.

*Mental note: never click links to appstore ever again*

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macrumors member
Aug 20, 2016
iTunes connect is a clunky, over complicated mess. They need to redo the whole thing.

Slightly off topic:

Why is it when I'm looking at Sales and Trends and I click "Lifetime" it goes back to 2003? How is that helpful when my app is less than a year old?
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Jul 24, 2015
iTunes connect is a clunky, over complicated mess. They need to redo the whole thing.

Slightly off topic:

Why is it when I'm looking at Sales and Trends and I click "Lifetime" it goes back to 2003? How is that helpful when my app is less than a year old?

Because... that's when iTunes was launched...

It doesn't have a "since app launched" option.


macrumors member
Aug 20, 2016
Because... that's when iTunes was launched...

It doesn't have a "since app launched" option.

I can see that.. My question is WHY!?

In AdMob the "Lifetime" option takes you back to when your account was created, which is far more useful.


macrumors 603
Aug 14, 2009
Creepy. Why is Apple tracking this info?
It gives developers an idea of how effective the various ways of driving people to their app on the app store and what drives purchases. For example, if they don't see a lot of searches they may look at how the app is named, etc. If they have a lot of visits to their website but that doesn't translate to app store purchases they can reassess how they present the app on their website. The aggregate data would not identify individuals but give developers an idea of what drives visits to their app and adjust their marketing efforts accordingly..
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macrumors 68020
Apr 20, 2016
La Jolla, CA
This is actually one of the better things Apple has done for (us) developers ... we've now got a breakdown of key metrics for App Discovery ! ... Bravo Apple !!


Nov 25, 2005
Creepy. Why is Apple tracking this info?
So that companies know which kind of advertising works, and stop wasting money on advertisements that don't work. Since in the end, the customer pays for the advertisements, that can only help.
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